Which Anime Character Are You?


By: Artimis Charvet

5 Min Quiz

Image: YouTube, The Movie DB

About This Quiz

Anime covers an enormous range of human (and inhuman) experiences, from faultless superheroes fighting to make the universe a better place to frail dancers who look for a place in the world to call their own. Find out which anime character lives within you!

What are you most afraid of?

Who is the most important person in your life?

What is the world's biggest problem?

You're about to go off on an adventure, who would you choose to accompany you?

Do you live for a good fight?

You see a person you dislike. What do you do?

Of the following, which would be true about your emotional state?

How would you describe your sense of style?

Out of the following, what are you connected to the most?

Which of these drinks is your go-to drink?

You have a lot of excess energy after working out. What do you do?

While out and about on your daily errands, you come across a mysterious notebook. What do you do?

What would your dream job be?

What is your family life like?

If you had a garden, what would you plant?

Are you easily fooled?

If you were guilty of a crime, would you turn yourself in?

What are you fighting for?

Who are you in your friend group?

If you were to rate your ego, with zero being the lowest and eight being the highest, what would you rate it at?

You're at a cafe, what do you order?

What do you do after school?

What kind of music appeals to you the most?

What is your favorite mythical creature?

What do you do when it rains?

Which fairy tale archetype do you most empathize with?

When is it acceptable to lie?

A stranger needs your help, what do you do?

When do you usually wake up?

How would you fare in battle?

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